Experience the present moment with your problems resolved
Aug 23, 2024The greatest minds, leaders and change makers have one thing in common; they envisioned a future different from their present reality.
I teach the importance of experiencing life with your problems resolved and your desires come-true through the practice of future self meditation. Einstein himself says that no problem can be solved from the same consciousness that created it and I believe wholeheartedly that with the right focus and intentions we can quickly and effectively bring change to our current reality in ways that exceed traditional problem - solution thinking.
One of the greatest examples of this kind of power is Martin Luther King Jr. MLK was a peaceful man who brought change through envisioning a new reality, a dream. Through love, positivity and a belief in a different reality he inspired others that something different was possible.
It is my hope that looking at problems through a different lens, shifting into a reality and consciousness of our solutions instead of fighting with anger and hate we can overcome feelings of hopelessness and helplessness. On a whole, no matter what future you desire we all have a choice to move toward that future with peace, calm, higher consciousness and freedom.
A helpful tool for me is to imagine a time in my life where I felt free, empowered, joyful and peaceful. I then use that feeling in my meditations to catapult me into a future where I am experiencing the same emotions in a future that I may have thought was impossible.